Príklad v tomto oddiele demonštruje, ako sledovať kurzor myši. Obsahuje časti okna postup, ktorý umožňuje používateľovi kreslenie čiar v oblasti okna klienta pretiahnutím myšou.
Keď okno postup dostane správu WM_LBUTTONDOWN , zachytáva myši a uloží súradnice kurzora, pomocou súradníc ako východiskový bod v riadku. Tiež používa funkciu ClipCursor obmedziť kurzor do klientskej oblasti prevádzke kreslenie čiar.
Počas prvej WM_MOUSEMOVE správe okno postup Nakreslí čiaru z východiskovým bodom na aktuálnu pozíciu kurzora. Počas následných WM_MOUSEMOVE správy, okno postup vymaže predchádzajúci riadok čerpaním nad ním farbou obrátený pero. Potom sa čerpá nový riadok z východiskovým bodom na nové umiestnenie kurzora.
Hlásenie WM_LBUTTONUP signály koncom Kreslenie operácie. Okno postup uvoľňuje myši zachytávania a uvoľní myšou z oblasti klienta.
LRESULT APIENTRY MainWndProc(HWND hwndMain, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HDC hdc; // handle of device context
RECT rcClient; // client area rectangle
POINT ptClientUL; // client upper left corner
POINT ptClientLR; // client lower right corner
static POINTS ptsBegin; // beginning point
static POINTS ptsEnd; // new endpoint
static POINTS ptsPrevEnd; // previous endpoint
static BOOL fPrevLine = FALSE; // previous line flag
switch (uMsg)
// Capture mouse input.
// Retrieve the screen coordinates of the client area,
// and convert them into client coordinates.
GetClientRect(hwndMain, &rcClient);
ptClientUL.x = rcClient.left;
ptClientUL.y =;
// Add one to the right and bottom sides, because the
// coordinates retrieved by GetClientRect do not
// include the far left and lowermost pixels.
ptClientLR.x = rcClient.right + 1;
ptClientLR.y = rcClient.bottom + 1;
ClientToScreen(hwndMain, &ptClientUL);
ClientToScreen(hwndMain, &ptClientLR);
// Copy the client coordinates of the client area
// to the rcClient structure. Confine the mouse cursor
// to the client area by passing the rcClient structure
// to the ClipCursor function.
SetRect(&rcClient, ptClientUL.x, ptClientUL.y,
ptClientLR.x, ptClientLR.y);
// Convert the cursor coordinates into a POINTS
// structure, which defines the beginning point of the
// line drawn during a WM_MOUSEMOVE message.
ptsBegin = MAKEPOINTS(lParam);
return 0;
// When moving the mouse, the user must hold down
// the left mouse button to draw lines.
if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON)
// Retrieve a device context (DC) for the client area.
hdc = GetDC(hwndMain);
// The following function ensures that pixels of
// the previously drawn line are set to white and
// those of the new line are set to black.
// If a line was drawn during an earlier WM_MOUSEMOVE
// message, draw over it. This erases the line by
// setting the color of its pixels to white.
if (fPrevLine)
MoveToEx(hdc, ptsBegin.x, ptsBegin.y,
LineTo(hdc, ptsPrevEnd.x, ptsPrevEnd.y);
// Convert the current cursor coordinates to a
// POINTS structure, and then draw a new line.
ptsEnd = MAKEPOINTS(lParam);
MoveToEx(hdc, ptsBegin.x, ptsBegin.y, (LPPOINT) NULL);
LineTo(hdc, ptsEnd.x, ptsEnd.y);
// Set the previous line flag, save the ending
// point of the new line, and then release the DC.
fPrevLine = TRUE;
ptsPrevEnd = ptsEnd;
ReleaseDC(hwndMain, hdc);
// The user has finished drawing the line. Reset the
// previous line flag, release the mouse cursor, and
// release the mouse capture.
fPrevLine = FALSE;
return 0;
// Process other messages.